martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Hello There !
Today I will talk about a reflect about the english language challanges that I have faced in this subject. Generally  I have a good experience with the English course at university. If i have to make a comments about this experiencie, I have to said that the use of blogs it's a productive method to learning english. And when I was in my third level of english, I really enjoyed writing for the bloggs. I guess that it's because I be inspiref by the topic of the blogs, and I enjoyed that my clasemates , they could  read my post, and as well read their posts. I think that I need to be improved my speak and pronunciation of my English, and I guess that the best method to be improved it's practice a lot , and maybe could to vist the different web pages on internet, that it's a great help to English Language. Anyway the grammar it's the most difficult always in my case. The redaction and the use verbe tenses it's something that demand  intensive study. And about the last point about the using english  outside the class, I have to say that it's not much time in my case, maybe Iisten the english music, but i don't use the english to talk. And once in a while I read text in English , but not as much I as wanted, I gues so. Maybe a good method to oral practice the english, it's comment to my circule of friends, that they could talk in English for that I practice my English.

thank for your attention =)


martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016


PET listening Part (1) : 2/7
                             (2): 3/6
PET Reading part (1): 5/7
                            (2) : 4/7
                            (3): 3/5
 Pet Vocabulary : 19/33

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Study programme

Hello My clasemates ! Today I will wrote about same changes that could be made to my sutdy programme. It's same difficult to give an opinion on this subject , because i am not an education specialist. In first place, I think that 
the curriculum it's fine, with two definite areas, like as history and theory. Because they are fundamental areas for the total compression of the art.  About the workload and length of studies, i also think it is okey, because is not so demanding and i have time for me. With respect to faculty  facilities, i found that it is not right, the buildings of my faculty it's old and sloppy, It is not a beatiful or pleasent place for study. I say this , in comparison with other faculties of the same university, i think it has to do with not giving money to the art facultie, because it does not produce moeny. about the use of technology, i also think it is precarious , even though you can pay with bak cards in the casino, i verry thankfull because i never have a cash jajaja.  
As a i am a stufent of theory and history of art, i do not take so much technologu, unlike my clasemates of "plastic arts" , that i imagine they need more technological material . And the las point, about the teaching methods, it is really important, because it is the way of transmitting the knowledge. 
 Some teachers memeber have a lot passion and love for what they do, and that is appreciated. I have really been inspired by some. 
Perhaps some methods are very traditional, and should be a change,

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

My dears clasemates, I will write today about my plans for this summer.
I think that this summer it will be different than the previous summers, because I would study
in January, mainly writing my "tesis", and maybe i would like to go on vacation but a few days.
I say that this summer it will be different because the previous summer, I was traveling for over month! Only with my  big backpack and a lot of desire to adventure. i have always visited the south of Chile, specially Patagonia.I am in love withe the landscape and people of there. but in the next summer i would make something different, for example go north, maybe Peru a couple of days.
My father live in Arequipa, I think that it's a good idea go to Peru to visit it in February. The reason for my holidays  is always climbing , I really like this activitie ! because it is help me to really know the places, above all contact with nature !
Now I need more beach and sun , the south has a extreme wathear , I guess that it is becach  time !! And i could Surf if do not have a mountain to climb, this is not bad idea for me. Also i am mentalising to work hard in january,  To be able to have some days in fabruary of vacations.  I am waiting, sice I have never spent a moth of summer in santiago. I hope that do not be so terrible. I was forgetting to comment, that i will also go to La serena to see my family.  In addition my older sister returns from her trip in Australia. So I guess with my family we make a big party to the welcome!

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Hello! My dear Clasemates , Today I will talk about my fovorite piece of Art. I am not really sure if this painting it is my favorite, but it is one of the best for me.  It's name  'The sea of ice' and it was painting by Caspar Fredierich, who was a German painter. The gender of this Painting is the romanticism, this gender exist since more than four hundread  years old. This painting specifilly is from year 1823 or 1824, and it is one oil on canvas. I dont know was and were is it the painting, I think that I always can suppose. And I can imagine  that the place of this piece representation, it is located about one particular landscape, probably in the Alpes or in a very cold place, with the ice and the  snow. I love the encounter of the  material and natural strain. It is about peculiar and sublime collision . And about the formal aspect , I have to say, that in first place, the geometry with to much angle it is very attractive for me . because the painting suggest a natural building . And about the color, I like the treatment about the white , that it's come Blue until Yellow . Exist in this paiting a important focus about color, and it is the plaine and yellow stone at the forefront. The color Yellow has a function like a focus that iluminated the rest of the paitining.  In the actuallity this piece of art it is located in the Kunsthalle of Hamburgo , for all things this painting propuse , it is considered one of the most important piece of the romanticism .
I hope that you can enjoy this painting , as much I can !

Bye Bye 

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

My future Job

Hello there !
Today I will talk about my future job. In the actuallity i have job that no have relation with my carrier. It is about the food area. But it is a job easy and they pay me well. I would like to have one job in my future with relation at my studies. For example, at the university or someone project about nature and art. I preffer the both option, The outdoors and indoors are a very important way to learning and working.  I think that it is ideal a combination of both way. I would love to travel a lot in my future job, for have a more real experiences. For me the salary it's one aspect important of the job, lamentably we need money for living. But I dont like the luxuries or expensive life, that is why that i will not go crazy to win more and more money. Yes, I really thinking of taking someone major in my area. Because i love study and travel. I hope to continue with tenacity and happines my way.  And I really want to never lose consciousness about job, money, time for myself, relationships with the people around me that I love
bye bye !

Postgraduates Studies

Hello There !

The topic of today it's about the possibility of postgraduate course taking in the future. I have to say that for me it's one true possibility for my life, because it's what that I want to do. My main reason it is  about, I really like to study more and more, and   better if  it is somewhere else in the world. I would like to study subjects about the literature, nature,  anthropology, and geography. I think that the best place for me , are Spain or Germany, also  I would be interested in Brazil and Mexico thinking in Latin America. Obviusly I preffer the best way how I will learning, with time for me and know the culture and it's place, but I accepted the dynamic of the established course, I wouldnt have problem, if I have to go all week to University. It's for them, that I become accustomed to the program course. If the universe want, I hope that in a few time I will be studyng in someone specification about my Art interesting. When I will finish my tesis, I will postulate at university in Barcelona, the name of the university is Pompeu de Fabra. And the magister is about comparative studies , all the subjects have relation with Art. Nontheless I would be really happy , if I will be, in a place were, I can Climb the mountian and, being with the nature !